Books – Breathing Again ... thoughts on life after loss
Breathing Again ... thoughts on life after loss
By Cathy Marley
Price: $14.95 USD
ISBN-13: 978-0-9990518-0-1
Publisher: CJM Press
Year of Publication: 2018
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 202
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Someone you know is mourning. Maybe it's you.What do you do?
What do you say?
What is okay and what is not?
Breathing Again ... thoughts on life after loss will help you understand, really understand the impact grief can have on a life. From the unexpected mundane things like filling out a form and having to check "widow" for the first time to learning a new way of living, this book is a heartfelt exploration of the aspects of grief that so many grief books fail to grasp or explain. It explores the path all who grieve must take from those first painful days to ultimately finding peace.
I wrote Breathing Again for those of you who want to help someone who is mourning but feel helpless in the face of that grief. It is written to help you better understand the pain your friend or loved one is experiencing. But most of all, this book will help you be a better friend at a time when your friendship and love are needed most.
And maybe, just maybe, it will help prepare you for the day you too are grieving.
"Almost every page hit home with me. It's beautiful. When she writes about the routine being broken and the balance in life gone, I knew exactly those feelings. The little routine things that we have taken for granted and are now missing are the most hurtful and yet the most impossible for anyone else to understand." ~ John C."Cathy is the ultimate friend to those with broken hearts." ~ Dawn B.
"Almost every page hit home with me. It's beautiful. When she writes about the routine being broken and the balance in life gone, I knew exactly those feelings. The little routine things that we have taken for granted and are now missing are the most hurtful and yet the most impossible for anyone else to understand. She hit the nail on the head!
When she wrote about paying attention to others who are suffering, as not just the spouse or parent, but those who loved the one who had transitioned and yet seemed on the periphery, it brought me back to my brother's sudden death at age 25. When I saw my mother's devastation, I thought, I wish it were me that had passed. Maybe the loss would be easier for her. I was so wrong but I was suffering with her and I needed help so desperately.
I believe so in signs, as you know. Her feathers are my hummingbirds. Thank God I am not alone in opening my eyes and heart to those little moments of connection.
I loved her friend's advice on never feeling guilty about feeling joy again...just look at it as sharing it doubly. She wrote all this never mentioning the death of her Dale until the very end! Astounding!
Just beautiful insight and understanding from someone who's been there. I need and want this book!"
~ Suzanne Strebel